On the Atlantic coast, a refreshing sea breeze
The Basssin d’Arcachon; the Gironde Estuary, a must for the keenest of sailors; the silver beaches of the Côte d’Argent; wild dunes along the ocean shore; pine forests to explore on foot or bike…
And moving inland, a hospitable countryside beckons
Legendary vineyards; 1001 historic castles and châteaux; picturesque villages in Dordogne and Périgord, replete with architectural gems; quiet rivers ready to be discovered...
Quiconque visite la cité médiévale de Saint-Emilion tombe immédiatement sous le charme. De ses magnifiques vieilles pierres bien sûr, de ses ruelles pavées, de son église monolithique unique en Europe, de ses petites terrasses pittoresques et de ses restaurants gourmands. L’élégance intemporelle de toute la ville est envoûtante.
A Saint-Emilion, le vin est patrimoine, civilisation, métier, passion, exception. En 1999, l’Unesco a inscrit l’ensemble de la juridiction au patrimoine de l’humanité : une distinction qui rend hommage à la qualité de cet extraordinaire paysage.

Few places in the world take you travelling through
17,000 years of

an enchanted past
These lands - on the borders of Aquitaine, Périgord and Dordogne - have staged some of history’s most compelling scenes. The banks of the River Dordogne host among the world’s oldest painted caves, with their stirring animal figures.
Romans, Celts, Gauls, Englishmen, monks and lords have bequeathed a host of vestiges. Here, the past is palpably present. To unveil its mysteries, cup your ear and listen to the châteaux, the church pediments, and the village passageways. Or let yourself be guided round enthralling local museums.

a Unesco world heritage site
Anyone who visits the medieval town of Saint-Emilion instantly falls for its charms. Its splendid stone buildings, its quaint cobbled streets, its monolithic church - unique in Europe - and its mouth-watering restaurants.
The town exudes a beguiling, timeless elegance. In Saint-Emilion, vine and wine are bywords for heritage, civilization, craft, passion, and exceptional stature. in 1999, Unesco places the whole jurisdiction on the World Heritage List - a distinction that pays tribute to the quality of this extraordinary landscape.

Saint Emilion seems to emerge from a sea of vines - hundreds of acres tended as meticulously as the gardens of Versailles Palace, and home to sublime ageing cellars whose mere mention excites the imagination of discerning gourmets.


![]() Petrus | ![]() Château Cheval-Blanc | ![]() Château Angelus | ![]() Château Pavie |
and its exceptional vintages adored worldwide
Premiers Grands Crus Classés A
Château Angelus
Château Ausone
Château Cheval Blanc
Château Pavie
Premiers Grands Crus Classés B
Château Beau-Séjour Bécot, Château Beauséjour (Duffau-Lagarrosse), Château Bélair-Monange, Château Canon, Château Canon-La-Gaffelière, Château Figeac, Château La Gaffelière, Château La Mondotte, Château Larcis-Ducasse, Château Pavie-Macquin, Château Troplong-Mondot, Château Trottevieille, Château Valandraud, Clos Fourtet
Premiers Grands Crus Classés
Château l'Arrosée, Château Balestard-La-Tonnelle, Château Barde-Haut, Château Bellefont-Belcier, Château Bellevue, Château Berliquet, Château Cadet-Bon, Château Cap de Mourlin, Château le Châtelet, Château Chauvin, Château Clos de Sarpe, Château la Clotte, Château la Commanderie, Château Corbin, Château Côte de Baleau, Château la Couspaude, Château Dassault, Château Destieux, Château la Dominique, Château Faugères, Château Faurie de Souchard, Château de Ferrand, Château Fleur-Cardinale, Château la Fleur Morange, Château Fombrauge, Château Fonplégade, Château Fonroque, Château Franc Mayne, Château la Gomerie, Château Grand Corbin, Château Grand Corbin-Despagne, Château Grand-Mayne, Château les Grandes Murailles, Château Grand-Pontet, Château Guadet, Château Haut-Rocher, Château Haut Sarpe, Château Jean Faure, Château Laniote, Château Larmande, Château Laroque, Château Laroze, Château la Marzelle, Château Monbousquet, Château Moulin du Cadet, Château Pavie-Decesse, Château Peby Faugères, Château Petit Faurie de Soutard, Château de Pressac, Château le Prieuré, Château Quinault l'Enclos, Château Ripeau, Château Rochebelle, Château Saint-Georges (Côte Pavie), Château Sansonnet, Château la Serre, Château Soutard, Château Quintus, Château la Tour Figeac, Château Villemaurine, Château Yon Figeac, Clos des Jacobins, Clos la Madeleine, Clos de l'Oratoire, Clos Saint-Martin, Couvent des Jacobins
Château Beauregard
Château Certan-Giraud
Château Certan-de-May
Château La Conseillante
Vieux-Château Certan
Château La Croix
Château L'Eglise-Clinet
Château L'Evangile
Château La Fleur Pétrus
Château Gazin
Château Lafleur
Château Lagrange
Château Nénin
Château Petit-Village
Château La Pointe
Château Rouget
Château Trotanoy
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a Unesco world heritage site
It is recognition of the value and heritage unit in an exemplary city by the unity of its urban and architectural expression, classical and neoclassical architecture, which has seen virtually no stylistic break for two centuries.

Golf Bordeaux

Golf Bordeaux

Golf Bordeaux
Close to
Two International Airports
Bordeaux airport with more than 80 destinations and nearly 5 million passengers is located 50 minutes away from the Golf Course.
Bergerac airport with more than 35 destinations and nearly 300,000 passengers is situated less than 45 minutes from the Golf Club.
Two TGV Train Stations
Gare de Bordeaux Saint-Jean is the largest railway station in the Aquitaine region, 3 hours from Paris, and very soon in 2017 only 2 hours from the capital with the LGV Sud Europe Atlantique. The train station is located within 50 minutes from the Golf Club.
The Libourne station is serviced by the TGV Atlantique and by Intercity trains. It is also a TER Aquitaine network station serviced by regional express trains. The train station is situated 25 minutes from the Golf Course.